【YouTube】50 Minutes of Frog Song
Back in 2009, I was feeling worn down by city life and longed for a little something more to lull me to sleep. I began to dream of making a trip back to the countryside to listen to the frogs sing. As someone born and raised amid the rice paddies of Tokushima, it seemed I had come to miss the cacophonous chorus of the Japanese tree frog, a comforting lullaby that arrives like clockwork each rainy season.
When I at last managed to return to my hometown that year, the water was already full in the fields. Eager to seize the chance, I ventured out into the fields in the still of night, and left a recording device on the footpath. When I returned an hour later and listened to the recording, I found the familiar natural refrains from my boyhood: call, silence, response, followed by a crescendo of frog voices across the fields, all falling back into silence once more.
Since returning to Tokyo, I sometimes listen to the recording of the frogs whenever I have trouble falling asleep. On occasion, you can even hear the frogs singing in my pickup truck.
This is an unabashedly personal recording, made for my own satisfaction. But I have uploaded the frog song on the off chance that their chorus might similarly bring comfort to someone, lying awake in their bed, somewhere out there in the world.
– Translated by Philip Gayle